When you walk past one of the sparkling booths at a bridal show you might see a fountain of flower arrangements, a mountain of cake samples or, if you lucky, a live harpist like me. But let me tell you what we vendors see from the other side of the table.
I’m playing three wedding shows in the next few weeks. This Saturday Feb, 10th, I’m playing for Sunny 101.5 Bridal Expo at Notre Dame Stadium. On the 25th I’m playing the Slaint Show also at Notre Dame and on March 4th, I’m playing the show for the Martins at Concord. And all these different mean one thing for me.
Moving equipment!
On the day before a wedding show, I pull up at the venue with my van packed to the windows with tables and posters and flyers, plus all the usual harp gear and a harp. Hallelujah for dollies! After several hours screwing together easels and sound systems, we drive home with an incredibly light car.
Saturday morning, the fun begins.
We arrive at least an hour early to put finishing touches on the booth and
run sound checks. Then I walk around and meet all of the other vendors, taking special care to introduce myself to the caterers giving away samples, the photographer responsible for the show photos and the people near the bathrooms—I will walk past them several times!
Then, my favorite part: watching the Brides arrive. They come with entourages in groups of two, or three or seven! Some walk purposefully, some browse for flyers, some hold a council of chatter among themselves. You see Bride’s mothers carrying gift bags, fathers sticking to the far side of the aisle, bridesmaids, sisters and friends all with opinions. Sometimes there are children, younger sisters or teenage daughters trying to act cool but secretly thrilled to be part of the wedding. Once in a while, you even see a groom!
All shapes and sizes and styles, all with different tastes in music! They rarely look like the bridal magazine covers but each is beautiful, glowing with love and anticipation. I love it!
When they stop to stare at the harp, I play samples and take requests. Once a couple asked if I could play Everything is Awesome from the Lego Movie. I did. The next family wanted to hear Here Comes the Bride. I point out that I can play pop favorites as well as traditional wedding songs. If you want a Maroon Five melody or the Beetles, the theme from a videogame you play together or the song your parents had at their wedding, I can play it all.
I explain how I providing music for the ceremony and provide options for receptions, cocktail hours and rehearsal dinners. I’m never sure who’s more excited, the brides who have always dreamed of a harp or the brides who discover they can cover all the music with just one musician!
This goes on for hours, always new brides around the corner until the doors close. Then it’s time to pack up and reverse the process. I know that I got all of that out of the suitcase so it must go back in… somehow! Packing up has one consolation — the bakeries have left over cake samples. I come home exhausted but having made new friends, seeing old ones across the aisle, and realized bridal dreams.
That’s what I see happen at wedding shows — I see venders inspire your dreams and then make those dreams happen.
Do you have some gaps in your wedding planning or need some inspiration? Do you know someone getting married? Send them this link and come see us at the wedding show!