Lights! Camera! Contact lenses!
The music is only one part of making a CD. To create the covers for my new Christmas Album “The Sounding Joy” I went back into the studio for a photo session with the wonderful Bryan Chris. Last time, this gentleman steered me and three harps over hills dales and poison ivy. You can read all about our first set of adventures in my blog post Photoshoots and Poison Ivy. I wised up this time around and decided not to brave the great outdoors to take photos for a Christmas CD in June. (Chalk it up to my natural brilliance.)
Instead we stayed in the air conditioned, downtown studio, rearranging lights and scrims and fans. White background, the black dress, black background, red dress. I’d brought out the uncomfortable wooden stool that matched the color of the harp instead of my comfortable padded black stool that I rest on to play three hour harp events. At nine in the morning I was not looking or feeling like the bell of the ball, balancing on the hard rim of the stool, my contact lenses drying out in the fan. The house lights were so dim that the string of flashes from three directions completely blinded me. But while I felt awkward, cold and inelegant, Bryan saw something else. He stepped up to show me the pictures on the tiny back of the camera and my jaw dropped open. A little lights and camera action and he transformed my everyday features into CD cover material!
I wish I looked that photo studio good everyday! Can I just walk around with photolights on me all the time?
Oh wait—there is already a way to walk in amazing light without having to rig photo lights to my hat or run up a oversized electric bill.
As it says in the first chapter of the gospel of John. “God is light. If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. . .We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. . . . We write this to make our joy complete.”
You can check out the beautiful photographs by clicking the link to this fun 3D animation of my Christmas CD “The Sounding Joy.” Buy one for yourself to hear that it sounds as good as it looks!
Thanks again to Bryan Chris Photography. You can check out more of his work at