Last week, I walked into a senior facility playing Simple Gifts on my small harp. To my confusion, I heard the same melody ringing out of the CD player.
Then I realized, they were playing my CD!
One year ago, I took two months off from college to create my first CD, The Joy We Share. I used all my own arrangements of favorite hymns and recorded it locally with the skill of Nimblewit Productions. With my mother, Cathy Hagen Artist, I designed my own cover graphics using the beautiful images from Brian Chris Photography.
By the end of October, 2013, ten boxes of disks piled up in my living room. What was I thinking to buy a thousand CDs? How many years would it take me to sell that many?
Today, the UPS truck delivered another ten boxes of CDs. Since this time last year, I’ve sold over 900 disks! I didn’t want to run out and the new shipment arrived just in time for Black Friday!
More amazing than the numbers are the stories of the people who have enjoyed the harp music. I’ve received thank you letters from families grieving the loss of loved ones and from families with new babies who use my CD as lullabies. I’ve met little girls who ask me to autograph the disk, missionaries who take it to the other side of the world, aunts who send my hymns to their nieces in the hospital. One friend told me she just leaves my CD on repeat and worships while doing house work. A widow shared she listens to the hymns at night when she can’t sleep.
Perhaps the best recommendations came from a retired stress management professional who bought one for himself, then bought a hundred and twenty more to give away to family and friends!
When I decided to make a recording, I wanted to leave a hard copy of my harp music with a few people I knew and loved. I had no idea how this CD would allow me to share joy with so many more people.
I do n’t just mean the joy of soothing harp music. The opening song is Blessed Assurance and the last hymn is Amazing Grace. Being sure of grace is the source of joy.
Now I’m often asked when I will make another CD. Not until I finish college!
Don’t have a copy or want another one? The Joy We Share is still available for $12 on my website, Facebook and on iTunes or you can call me directly at 574-875-0795.
This Thanksgiving, I am thanking God for a year of the CD. Thank you to everyone who has encouraged my music, invited me to play, bought and recommended my CD. Thank you, and please continue to share the joy.